Friday, 20 July 2012

The Councillors New Toy

The Party's Over!
First, a little background:

I've been telling people we actually looked into Dd about 2 years ago, but after thinking about it, it was before my eldest daughter moved in, so that's wrong. It was about 4 years ago, in the spring of 2009. But Hubby decided that we'd have to stop because of privacy issues, and I understood, although I didn't really like it.

Fast forward to the start of 2012 and we find ourselves with my daughter's happy little family downstairs, she now has a beautiful little baby boy about 2 1/2 yrs. old, who is opening doors, pulling the contense out of drawers and having a blast giving it all to you one piece at a time. He LOVES to announce "Abuelita, Abuelita..........aqui, aqui" (he only speaks Spanish) at the top of his voice as he hands you something that was in your drawer. Hubby used to keep the implements in his night table drawer, can you imagine?? I didn't want to!! Add to that that we were going on a cruise in April and had asked his mother to stay in our home to watch our dogs for us, and Hubby's old implements had to go, besides what did we need them for anymore?  How was I to know that my Sweetpea and her little family would end up moving out on their own right before we left? The last thing I wanted was to have to explain all of this to our adult children and his mother. Hubby's mother is by the way, about the best mother-in-law you could ever dream of having. So I tossed them all, or so I thought. One little black strap, his favorite, managed to stay behind.

After reading Pooky’s blog, I finally got the nerve to write Hubby the letter.  It’s very hard to say some of this stuff to your hubby’s face, so I wrote him a letter and asked him to re establish our Dd life.  He said yes.

And then nothing happened. 

So I started reading, and looking up stuff, and found the LDD site (thank you Pooky and Stormy).  I felt really brave one day and checked out the LDD site.  I soon became a member and started reading all I could.  Then I got brave enough to ask him to restart maintenance. 

That first spanking was a disaster.  It felt like he was just playing around, and in the process left me quite bruised by using the wrong kind of paddle (it was for tossing a salad) that was too short, and too thick, and started hurting his wrist.  Hubby has bad hands so he can’t use them, and a lot of implements hurt him.  He broke one hand in a car accident 16 yrs ago, and the other one about a year later.  So his hands get very stiff and sore.  After searching on the internet, I found something called A Brief History of Paddles and Paddling – Chicago Spanking Review.  I printed it out, and while we were on a business trip with a lot of driving, I read it to him.  He liked what it had to say, so I went to Home Depot and bought him all of the supplies he’d need to make himself a paddle. 

1 - 2ft X 2ft - ¼ inch thick piece of ply wood, good one side,
Wood stain, sand paper, paint brushes, and varnish or some sort.

So there all of this sat for over a month, until it got moved around, and moved downstairs and then dangerously close to the garage with all of his tools. 

I went on wondering if anything would ever come of Dd. I’d try to talk to him every now and then, but he’s the one word type, and it felt more like doing verbal surgery to get him to talk about it.  Well, just this past week, on about Tuesday night, he started asking me all about the LDD site, and exactly what I was reading about.  I thought ....... cool he’s actually taking an interest.  Then on Wednesday night, he told me that he had been making a paddle for about the last 3 to 5 days.  All those nights he just couldn’t sleep.  And I thought he was just playing Diablo III.  Then he announced that Thursday would be the day it was ready, and he might try it out.

Might??  What was that supposed to mean?  Thinking of trying it out??  Are you kidding me, this isn’t a game........... now I can’t sleep, and I’m wondering just how serious this man is.

So yesterday it happened.  Although he didn’t exactly announce to me that I was going to be spanked now, it came out more like........

“Well we could walk the dogs now or.....”
“Or what”
“Or....... you know”.......... head motioning to the other room.
“Well then you’ll have to put the dogs out of the room, and I’ll be there in a minute”
I had to use the bathroom.

So he used his paddle.  Started with a warm up, but something was just wrong.  I was bent over the bed, and he sat beside me so we were facing opposite ways.  This got uncomfortable fast.  So I suggested we put a rather large rectangular foot stool onto our bed (a large wooden box that hubby made so that I could climb onto our bed at night.... that’s another story), with a blanket over it, and I would lay over that.  For him, it worked perfectly.  I was finally at just the right height so his back didn’t hurt, and the paddle was just the right weight so his hand didn’t hurt.  The spanking was short, didn’t leave bruises, but was effective for maintenance.  Today he’s standing a little taller and feeling a little more in charge.  Boy did it ever change the feeling of the spanking it’s self.  My body was finally in the right position for the right purpose.

It’s truly amazing what a little respect, and the ability to assert himself will do for a good man.  He’s been stepped on most of his life because he’s Mr. Nice Guy, and has been taken terrible advantage of by his ex who enjoyed making his life hell, and still tries to even though their children are all grown.  So now he only has to decide on a few rules but that will come in time.  Anyway, I sure hope he enjoys men’s night in chat, that will be new for him too.  And we’ll soon see where this journey takes us.

Have a great day!
And thanks for stopping by.


  1. Welcome to blogland! A blog is an intersting entity; you think you have nothing to talk about yet if you just talk about whatever comes to mind, it takes on a life of its own!

    Sounds like you've made good headway into your DD experiences!

  2. Well helllo there! So glad you decided to join us! It will be so nice to get to know you better. it doesn't look like you will have a hard time at this at all. and I can't wait to get here more about you and your journey. Thanks for bringing us along- but you maight want to add a followers tab it makes it a little easier... but there are ways for us to work around it.

  3. Oh... I'm so glad you made it. I added your blog on my list. I am so glad things are moving along for you. it has been a joy getting to know you in "chatland"

  4. Welcome to blogging! You will find many link-minded friends here.


  5. Hi guys, I've added some blogs to my list but can only get them to appear in the View My Complete Profile section. If someone could leave me the instructions on how to get it to appear on the main blog page, then everyone could see them. You guys have all been such an inspiration to me, so I owe you a note of thanks!! Thankyou!!

    I'v very excited that Hubby has suddenly taken more of an interest in it, he made an apperence on his first "mens" chat yesterday. But I'll leave that for another post.


    1. Hi HWC,

      To have the blogs you like appear on your main page, you first need to add a bloglist gadget.

      - After you have logged in to click on the name of your blog.
      - Down the left side you will see various options. Click on Layout.
      - This is the layout of your blog. You will see "add a gadget over on the right side. Click on it.
      - From the list of gadgets, choose Blog List.
      - Give it a name if you like, and choose the options you want. (You can go back and change them later.)
      - At the bottom of the gadget you will see an option to add blogs. You can add them by URL or select them from blogs you are following. You can add them now or go back and edit the list at any time.
      Click SAVE to add the gadget to your blog. If you don't like where it is, you can move it by dragging it up or down while still in Layout.

      I hope that helps.


  6. Wow great post! I definitely feel your frustration. Glad you guys got that all worked out. When I first starting reading about DD I couldn't even imagine extent the semantics of practicing this could be. Between rules and fine tuning the discipline process to now hearing about having to make implements and adjust position... wow just soo much stuff! I am glad to have your blog to read, I think it will help me feel a little bit more normal, thanks!

  7. Hi you! Welcome to Blogland! :)

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Hey there - Great post. So happy you finally got the logistics worked out - that can actually be quite difficult.

    It's wonderful that you notice the difference in him already!
